Tempo TEP Production


Info & Services


The History in few words

Tempo TEP Production is an independent company that is active from November 2016.

” I have started back in 2009 with a group called CFM as a songwriter and beat-maker where I had my first live performances, since then I felt that spark , that feeling of doing the right thing and I have pursued and perfected it day by day until now, where I collaborate with musicians & artists around the world to inspire and be inspired, to create the best music your heart can cope and your imagination can fly with”

You need music ?

I specialise in Pre & Post-production in genres such as: Hip Hop, R&B, Funk, Bass Music and Electronic Music as well as Soul, Blues, Classical and Jazz. I also really enjoy working with other types, genres and chunk of audio too.

If your projects needs music, editing, recording, composing or any optimisation. Maybe you want to get rid of annoying resonances, peaks, squeaks and leaks then you will find that you are in the right place.

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